Font Categories
Icon Categories
You are the oneFreeware
You are the one
Font-Face CSS3 You are the one Font
Below is the font-face css code for You are the one font to add to your website's css file.

You may use our server to host the font file for free.
Fancy > ModernYOUARETHEONE.TTF is available to download for Windows & MAC OS X
Font Character Map
Related Fonts
SF RetroSplice Condensed
Fancy > FuturisticSFRetroSpliceCondensed.ttf
Gypsy Road Condensed Italic
Fancy > Distortedgypsyroadci.ttf
Little Trouble Girl BV
Fancy > CartoonLITTTGB_.TTF
Block Letters Tryout
Script > SchoolBLOCLT__.TTF
Llynfyrch FwyrrdynnPersonal use
Llynfyrch Fwyrrdynn
Fancy > Variousllyn.ttf
London FrakturaPersonal use
London Fraktura
Gothic > MedievalLONDON_F.TTF
Rawengulk Light
Basic > VariousRawengulkLight.ttf
C&C Red Alert [LAN]
Bitmap > PixelatedC&C Red Alert [LAN].ttf